There's not much to say about this pudding. It's creamy, coconutty and absolutely fabulous :) You can pour it into a baked pie crust and top with whipped cream, or eat it straight from the pot while it's still so hot it burns your tongue. Either way, it's irresistible!

Coconut Cream Pudding
Adapted from Mrs. Goossen's recipe in Kitchen Treasures.
2 cups milk
4 tbsp. cornstarch
3 tbsp. sugar
2 egg yolks
1 cup coconut
1 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
2 egg whites
4 tbsp. sugar
In a medium pot, whisk together milk, cornstarch, 3 tbsp. sugar and egg yolks. Cook until thickened. Add the coconut, butter and vanilla. In a small bowl, whisk egg white until foamy, then add 4 tbsp. sugar. Whisk again until sugar dissolves and then add to pudding. Stir it all together and cook until it's thick and smells like heaven.
Let cool, then either pour it into a baked pie shell or into dessert dishes. Chill to set.
I made this as a big pie, it was aweSOMe:)